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Retailer & Distributor Solutions.

Use Duck to transform unused data into valuable insights that suppliers need. This creates new revenue opportunities, all while improving supply chain performance and shopper satisfaction.
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Use cases for retailers.

With actionable, store-level data at your fingertips, there’s nothing you can’t do. Here are just a few ways Retailers can leverage Duck to grow their business.

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Data Monetization
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Demand modelling
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Customer Segmentation

Make data your new best-seller.

Today’s most successful retailers are monetizing supplier data to build new, high-margin revenue streams. Duck's data platform helps retailers seamlessly share valuable sales and inventory data, increasing supplier adoption and value.

More revenue
Grow data revenue with a high-margin data-sharing solution.
More suppliers
Drive supplier adoption by making your existing data-share more accessible and actionable.
More shoppers
Increase shopper satisfaction with timely, valuable insights that brands can use every day.
5 stars rating
We used to look at sales information only, now we look at customer data to decide new strategies. For me, that is the biggest transformation that we have achieved so far.
Willy Kimani
CEO at Jaza Retail
When data flows, so does revenue.

To get your data flowing, contact our team today.